Fitness-tek | Muscle Activation Techniques™

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How many sessions of Muscle Activation Techniques Will I Need to treat my pain?

How many sessions of Greg Roskopf's MAT will it take to cure me of my pain and joint dysfunction?

This is typically the #1 question I get from potential clients during our intake process here at Fitness-Tek. However, it is not a question that is answered without future questioning of the client. I have laid out a number of scenarios to help you better gauge how many sessions of Muscle Activation Techniques you may need. In no way is this list exhaustive of the possibilities.

  1. What is your current pain level? Typically when clients come in to start their treatments of Muscle Activation Techniques with us, their pain level is around a 5. We do not treat pain directly here with MAT, and this is important for new clients to understand. However, knowing the intensity of the pain gives us a slight insight as to the level of muscle dysfunction we might find. A high number is usually an indicator that the damage to soft tissue is extensive, and muscular dysfunction is high. This person will often display a large number of asymmetrical joint motions and an overall low level of flexibility. As a general rule of thumb, those with a pain level of 5 or less will see me for approximately 6 sessions per painful area. Those with a pain level greater than 5 will require between 5-12 sessions.

  2. Where is your current pain? You would think this would not matter, but each area of our body takes more or less mechanical stress based on our lifestyle. For example, if your pain is located in your feet, your issue could be coming from muscle dysfunction from any joint above the pain. While there are typical patterns that will show up when first working with someone, I usually have those with foot pain understand that they will need to see me 3-6 sessions. For those with shoulder pain, a similar scenario plays out. Proper shoulder function is dependent on the rib cage and pelvis being held in alignment. If the pelvis and rib cage are not properly aligned, this must be addressed before addressing the shoulder issue. For those with shoulder pain, I often suggest 6-12 sessions.

  3. What is your mental stress level? Stress is stress is stress....Whether we are talking about mental, mechanical, or chemical, it is all detrimental to our nervous system and muscle function. If you have emotional stress, you can expect to add 3-6 sessions to really get a grasp on your muscular imbalances. If you can take action to address the emotional stress prior to starting your program, you will be well off to do so. Less stress on the body is better regardless of the form.

  4. How long have you had the pain? If this pain is something that has been lingering for some time, let's say you have had the pain for over six months, you can typically expect to need more sessions of MAT. With this length of time for you to have had pain, chances are a significant structural change in your tissue and bone need to take place. This can potentially mean you will need ongoing care of your neuromuscular system with MAT. Six sessions to life sound like a long time, but then again, you only have one body.

  5. Are you going to be coachable? Are you willing to do exactly what I ask you to do to squash your pain? There will be a number of lifestyle changes, along with prescribed exercises that will need to be implemented to repair the damage that is causing your pain. My clients that fully commit to this process of healing win 100% of the time. Those clients that try a piecemeal approach to the implementation of changes are the clients I end up seeing for years, because they have to, not because they want to.

  6. How many major injuries have you had? If you have had a number of temporarily debilitating injuries, this process can help and will, but it will take longer than someone who has suffered just a few injuries.

  7. Are you currently pain-free but want to prevent pain and dysfunction as you age? If you find yourself in this category, great! The best time to incorporate MAT into your lifestyle is BEFORE the pain starts. I will typically see this type of client for weeks, months, and believe it or not, usually years. Once you experience the sensation that comes from having your muscles and nervous system function harmoniously, you will understand why. These clients start with the assessment, followed by a second session in the next 48-72 hours and then based on their preference ever 3-4 weeks.

In my 15 years of performing MAT in its various forms, I have yet to see a client do exactly what I ask of them and not feel better! By utilizing Muscle Activation Techniques, you can literally roll back the years on your body and stop the progression of age-related muscular dysfunction. Less dysfunction equates to less pain! 

If you would like to learn more, please feel free to set up a consultation. The consultation is a 30-minute meeting via phone or zoom where I can answer your questions and give you a better answer to how many sessions you may need.

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