Fitness-tek | Muscle Activation Techniques™

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MAT® Testimonial from Samantha Heinrich a member of the U.S. Paralympics Team

Amazing performance using Muscle Activation Techniques!

"As the 2013 road race season has come to an end, I'd like to give thanks to those who have helped me make the most of it and helped provide me with the chance to race more races than I thought I'd race before the season started. Thanks to Tim for planting the para-cycling idea in my head. To my mother for finding the first para-cycling race I'd ever do and jump-starting my career as a para-cyclist, and for driving nine hours to and from South Carolina so I could do it (I'm proud to be your daughter, you're better than the best. I hope to be like you when I have children of my own). My dad for making me fall in love with cycling at a young age, being a training buddy, and making me a strong cyclist (you'll always be one of my favorite training buddies, I love you). And to my brother, Jason, for continuing to inspire me and make me laugh. Thanks to

Thomas Kerr for being like family, and supporting me and my racing to get to the national and international level along with The Vein and Vascular Institute of Tampa Bay. To Dawn for being a best friend and lending me her time trial bike for the season, and to Ambre for lending me her time trial helmet for the season and providing some great laughs and memories. for lending me her time trial helmet and Thanks to Andrew for being so supportive and encouraging, making sure my bike stays in tip-top shape, and so much more (I love you).

To Eileen Olson for the amazing bike fit, and Kevin Votta of Fitness-Tek for continuing to help me improve myself both on and off the bike through MAT. Thanks o my friends of West Coast Cycling for making me feel like a part of a big ol' family and also being training buddies. To Honey Stinger and KIND for supplying the fuel to many training rides, and to Suncoast Trailside Bicycles for helping me take care of my bike during the beginning of the season. And thanks to many of you all who share your excitement for my achievements and enthusiasm for wanting to see me succeed.

This year has truly been one to never forget. I've made many new friends, traveled to new places, raced some hard races and experience more than I thought possible. And as I look forward to next year's season, I can only think of the endless possibilities ahead of me and the chance to take it even further. After three years of crutches, who would have thought six months after my first para-cycling race I'd cycle my way on to the A team for the U.S. Paralympics Cycling Team!"

- Samantha Heinrich