Fitness-tek | Muscle Activation Techniques™

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US Olympic Team Member's speedy Recovery after years of pain and disfunction

“Hi my name is Dan Green I'm an athlete from Tampa 37 years old and I want to take a minute to talk to you about my experience with MuscleActivation Techniques and Kevin Votta at Fitness-Tek a little bit of background about myself and my athletic career 37 years I've been an athlete for about 32 of those starting four years old my father began teaching me how to ride bicycles and by the time I was five I was already racing competitively and BMX which continued through about 15 years old I've also played competitive soccer volley ball as a rock climber I've spent the last 25 years of my life as a martial artist and during that time has to spent eight years as a collegiate and a d1 rugby player the reason I found Kevin and m80 actually came through a recommendation over an entire lifetime in sports and especially combat and contact sports I have suffered a lot of injuries a lot of injuries too numerous to count including a collar accident wasn't sports related but was rear-ended and suffered a pretty bad neck injury which plagued me for better parts about ten or twelve years until I met Kevin bottom when I walked in from my first consultation I'll never forget it came up a list of all of my nagging complaints and a list of all the things that weren't working right areas of the body that I was losing control over couldn't communicate properly with was no longer able to perform martial arts techniques that I had been doing proficiently for you know decades at that point it was an interesting situation I had met with other practitioners before when I started running down my list of issues many of them would kind of step back take that deep breath and say well maybe we can address one or two of these things if we're lucky it wasn't that reassuring to me as a competitive athlete as a member of the United States martial arts team my ability to perform physically is very significant as I'm sure as to any athlete when I'm traveling around the world representing the United States competing against other countries best fighters if I can't use my leg Dawei I need to if I can't move the way I need to it's not just the difference of winning or losing it's a difference of getting my butt kicked in a bad way or winning or at the very least staying safe so finding Kevin and handing him my list of issues was very important to me personally and professionally he looked at that list and unlike other practitioners that I had met with before took a quick look at it ran down looked at me said let's get started and there were no excuses it was just let's do the work and the agreement we made from the very first session and every session sense has been you do the work I'll do the work and we'll fix it and I can honestly tell you that he's fixed everything that I've come to him with problems with my neck that have kept me from sleeping problems where my arms are literally falling asleep because of neck injuries not being able to move toes and feet that had been damaged kicking things or people or both he's restored all of that function at 37 years old I'm coming into I think what some people might consider that the latter part of my competitive fighting career and usually my40s when a lot of competitive martial artists stopped competing and I was facing that same fate I was really starting to think of myself as an aged warrior being retired at the past year Kevin changed all that for me and the work that he's done with me has allowed me to not only perform at a higher level but also view my competitive we're in a much longer light and I'm now not as afraid of the big 4 0 as I might have been a few years ago I'm living life a lot more comfortably I'm stronger in areas I've never been strong before in my life even when I was a twenty-year-old multi-state champion and he felt invincible there were parts of my body that still didn't function as well as they do now having spent so many years pursuing a particular sport and learning so much on an academic level it can be frustrating and I know from talking to other athletes in different sports we have similar complaints I understand the sports so much better than I did when I was young and I had a great body if only I had that great body with the brain that I have now m80 has bridged that gap for me this is why I send all of my friends all my athletes I send all of them toMIT they come to me with any kind of a complaint anything something's not working right I don't feel strong all right you continually pulling this muscleI don't know what I'm doing I send them together and without fail every single person I've sent to him it's fun I always get that first phone call after that their session oh yeah oh my god I wish I had found this years ago that was my experience and I'm certain that's gonna be your experience too so if that's nota glowing enough endorsement I will leave you with this final thought if you are an athlete if you take what you do seriously at any level and Muscle Activation Techniques is not a part of your routine then I might challenge how seriously you take your athletics you really need to contact Kevin if you're inTampa if you're outside of Tampa you can go to the muscle activation comm website and find a practitioner in your area and Muscle Activation Techniques will literally change your life andI think that's about the best thing I can say for it it will change your life go check it out!"