Kristin's Muscle Activation Techniques® Experience

Muscle Activation Techniques was the key to unlocking Kristins weight loss!

"I had a list a mile long with all of the reasons why I should never work with a personal trainer:

  • I had back surgery at 17 years old.

  • My sister was hospitalized numerous times growing up with an eating disorder and I didn’t want to restrict my food or over-exercise.

  • The last thing I wanted was to have some muscle guy yell at me about stuff I already knew."

"I had no idea that MAT existed or what it did until I experienced it. How muscles in my feet had anything to do with my back pain was beyond me… and Kevin told me over and over again that I wasn’t eating enough which blew my mind. Once I finally embraced my program and did what he recommended, it was not long before the results followed.

"In 8 weeks, I lost 15 pounds and over 15 inches around my body. I learned the science behind my plan and it made a profound impact on my life. More important than looking better, I felt better. And more important than feeling better, I stopped constantly thinking about it! I didn’t realize how much brain power I put into what/how/when I ate or exercised until I stopped! I committed to making the biggest difference I could with as many other people, so they could focus on what really matters to them."

-Kristin Votta


How many sessions of Muscle Activation Techniques Will I Need to treat my pain?


A Surprisingly Popular Myth About Stretching, Flexibility and Staying Young