Local Landscaper and Kayak enthusiast gets shoulder, knee and back pain relief with Muscle Activation Techniques!

"I live in Tampa Florida I'm a semi-retired landscape designer and project management I met Kristin Votta at a networking event and was very interested in muscle activation techniques. I had this nagging shoulder injury that not only limited my range of motion that I could move it but also I have a significant pain when I lifted it above a certain level. I've seen several other folks about it and not really gotten resolution but muscle activation technique sounded interesting so I went to see Kevin Votta. He worked on me for a few sessions and after probably three sessions my range of motion was significantly improved and after a couple weeks I really had no pain to speak up so I got fantastic results in a very short period of time and I was really happy with that. It turns out that I've also had some other issues with my knees which I pretty much resigned myself to having to deal with as I got older muscle activation techniques helped me there as well I can pretty much do whatever I want now just got back from kayaking today and I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't been able to do that without Kevin's health so highly recommend Kevin and muscle activation techniques they've made a significant impact in my life and what I can do and what I can enjoy every day so thanks again Kevin"


Chronic Pain suffer gets relief with Muscle Activation Techniques


How many sessions of Muscle Activation Techniques Will I Need to treat my pain?