Fitness-tek | Muscle Activation Techniques™

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Clients Are Able To Stay Out of Pain Longer With Muscle Activation Techniques

"By Working With Fitness-Tek, I Was Able to Stay Out of Pain Longer...""The combination of working with Fitness-Tek and SJCPTC was the magic ticket. I have spinal stenosis and degenerative discs. I had amazing results from the kind, caring and extremely talented therapists at SJCPTC, but the addition of working with Fitness–Tek helped the work that the therapists at SJCPTC did ‘hold’ longer.

SJCPTC could get me out of pain (an amazing feat in and of itself), but when I started working with Fitness–Tek, I was able to stay out of pain longer. I travel extensively and put a lot of stress on an already damaged spine and joints. Now, travel and long days of standing are much less painful, and, I am ‘back to normal’ much more quickly when I return. A big thank you to both SJCPTC and Fitness-Tek!"

Tina Goldfield  Founder and Creative Director  Tees by Tin