Fitness-tek | Muscle Activation Techniques™

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Finding your "why" is the Key to unlocking unlimited health and fitness possibilities for yourself!

One of the first questions out of my mouth when sitting with a new potential client is.....

"What is your why? Why do you need to loose weight? Why do you need to be out of pain? Why do you want to look a certain way?" ... the list goes on and on.

Their answer will likely determine their level of long-term success.

What do I mean? Let's talk about what a "why" is first.

Your "why" is the reason you get out of bed in the morning. It is the reason you take your next breath. It is the force in the universe that has you continue to live your life.

Yeah but I just want to lose 10 pounds or I just want to put on few pounds of muscle, or just feel better or look a certain way. Well, sorry but I call bullshit. I've got 10 plus years in working with people in all the above capacities. The "why" behind what they are trying to create for themselves always makes THE difference in their success, or not.

For many of us, we know when we've truly found our "why" because it's not a superficial reason or outcome, rather a "why" that (literally or figuratively) moves us to tears.

As I sit here typing this blog, I am reminded of why my "why" is so important and keeping me focused on the final result.

I am 68 hours into a 72 hour fast. Two full days with no food just coffee and water that contains electrolytes, and 24 hours with no water of any sort and no food. This is the first time I have attempted the last portion with no liquid. My reasons are due to some of the health benefits, and I am sure I will dive into that in a later blog. All that I'm saying is that no liquids are NO JOKE. (Consult your doctor before starting a fast with or without liquids.)

Now why am I telling you this? Simple. If it was not for me staring across my desk at the pic of my family and my kids, I would be elbows deep in big gulp right now! And because I am scared to death to leave my kids and wife before my time is up, my health is everything to me! Those three amazing super humans are my "why".

When you look for that "why", it has to move you! And it also has to be "bigger than" you. 

Feeling better and looking better are great, but when things get hard, it can be really easy to talk yourself out of doing what you need to do. Make your life easier by doing some soul-searching to discover your "why". You may need someone to listen to you to help you dig deep. Trust me. It's worth it.

Enjoy the process of finding your "why"!

Yours in health and wellness,
