How To Find A Good Fitness Coach

There’s no doubt about it; exercising regularly with an expert running the show is good for you.

Research shows that working with a Fitness Coach who can show you exactly how to workout properly while also offering encouragement can improve strength and fitness gains as well as help you stick to an exercise routine. On top of the that studies have show that those that have a well educated and experienced coach achieve their goals faster and with fewer injuries.

A good Fitness Coach is a great investment in your health. 

Unfortunately it can be pretty difficult to find a Personal Trainer that's worth the money they are trying to charge. However, it's a lot easier to spot a good Personal Trainer if you know what you are looking for. Here are some tips on how to find a good Fitness Coach.

#1: Know What You Want From Your Fitness Coach

The first and most important step is to figure out exactly what you want from your Personal Trainer. You need to make a list of your goals and things you hope to accomplish by working with a Fitness Coach. Are you training for a marathon? Recovering from an injury? Just looking to get in shape? Make sure you have these questions answered before you go searching for the perfect Fitness Coach.

The next step is to figure out what you need. For example:

- Are you just looking for a power lifting coach to show you the basics (squat, dead lift, etc.) so your form is right? Just a few sessions up front and a few later down the line to confirm you’re on the right path might suffice.

- Are you new to working out or looking to kick start your first 2 months of training with 2 sessions per week to keep you disciplined?

- What type of person are you? Do you need more hands-on guidance throughout your workouts, or more space to take ownership and thrive on your own? Do you need somebody who will cheer you on or do you need tough love from somebody to call you out?

Once you have set expectations and goals, you can begin searching for a Fitness Coach that's a good fit for you.

#2: Good Signs That You Have Found A Good Fitness Trainer

Once you've found a Personal Trainer that's a good match for you, there are a few things you should look out for.

  Here are some things your fitness coach should do:

- Listen to what your needs and goals are.

- Ask about any past issues with injuries or experience with exercise. If you’re injured or have any deficiencies, they should know this so they can create a great program for you.

- Practice what they preach. They don’t have to be an Olympian, but should have a healthy lifestyle.

- Tell you about their expertise and how they can help you. They should be able to share past successes of clients with you or point to their credentials and history of success.

- Set proper expectations. You won’t get ripped in a month, but they will let you know it could take many months to get in shape or build the right kind of habits.

These are all good signs that you have found a quality fitness coach.

#3: Red Flags You Will Want To Keep An Eye Out For When Interviewing Personal Trainers

Just as there are signs of a good Personal Trainer, there are also a few signs of a bad one. 

Here are a few major red flags you should keep an eye out for.

- Missing Credentials: Your Personal Trainer should be able to show you their credentials; no ifs ands, or buts. Making sure your Trainer is certified is a good way to start to separate the good from the bad.

- The Wrong Pain: Pain is your body’s way of telling you something is up. And there is a difference between normal soreness and injury-related pain. Sharp pain is not something you should feel during a workout. A skilled trainer should be able to recognize the difference and give you modifications for your workout.

- Cookie-Cutter: Beware the “entertainment exercise” trainers with a routine that isn’t catered to your goals. These are the Trainers that just try to confuse you with needlessly complex movements and put all their clients through roughly the same cookie-cutter plan.

The Takeaway

In short, finding a good Personal Trainer can be a bit tricky. However if you keep an eye out for the things mentioned above, it should make the process a lot easier.

I encourage you to check out our website if you want more information about Fitness-Tek's services, including Muscle Activation Techniques, group isometric classes, spin class and one on one personal training. I have been a Personal Trainer for over 10 years, and have a good idea of what works and what doesn’t. I have also specialized in MAT since 2009, and have helped many clients get pain free and achieve the results they hired us to help them get. If you are interested, I encourage you to get in contact with us so we can figure out the best way to approach your goals together.

I would like to even take it a step further.....If you are looking for a trainer or maybe you already have a trainer and are not 100% happy with the results you are achieving, come in and allow me to take you through a workout catered to your goals! On the house! 

Don't forget to join me on May 29th @ 12:30 est. as I go over this very blog post in a little more detial. Bring all your questions or send them ahead of the broadcast! This will be a great time to get to know me.

Yours In Health and Wellness

Kevin Votta


Stress:The Silent Killer of your fitness gains!


Things To Consider Before Choosing a Personal Trainer