Is your life leaving you behind??? Online Fitness Coach

Welcome to June, everyone!

 Is your life leaving you behind....I don't know about you but WOW it is hard to believe that here we are in the first week of June 2018 already! The speed at which times passes seems to accelerate exponentially as I age. Dylan is coming up on a year old, Annabella is fast approaching 4, Fitness-Tek just celebrated 6 years under the Votta rule, coming up on 7 years of marriage... unbelievable!  Time is not slowing down - that is for sure! With the start of summer and the midpoint of the year fast approaching, where are you with your health and fitness goals? I know for me, I feel a little bit behind where I would like to be, and if I am honest with myself, I always feel like I am. That is my nature, always looking for where I can improve on things, not just with my body but also my mind, my family, my relationships. In reality, there is no place to get to, no end-goal other than always looking to improve and maximize the time I have here. 

How about for you? 

Are you happy with where things are in your life? Are your relationships running on all cylinders? Are there areas that could be going better or different than they are? Take a look. I'd love to hear what you see. For me, one of the biggest lessons I have truly embraced this year is the power of using a coach. For years, I would avoid spending the money or taking the time to find someone that I felt could contribute to my life. Looking back I could kick myself for this short-sightedness. We can all use a coach...Kristin and I have had a coach for our life and relationship for years. After only days of dating each other, we have worked with the same coach. He now coaches us both individually around our businesses, and together regarding our immediate family and parenting.However, when it comes to my own health and fitness, I haven't had a consistent coach - usually none at all. I would resist getting a coach and justify to myself: "I am a coach. I coach people on this stuff all the time. I don't need someone to coach me in this area." I'm sure you can guess where that got me. Not only did I not achieve the results I wanted, but it also meant eating my own words.

Health and fitness specialists struggle just as much as you (at least this one does)

My own health became a priority about a year ago when I was diagnosed with pre-cancerous cells growing in the back of my mouth. At 39 years young that was one hell of an eye-opener for me, and what ultimately had me finally reach out to coaches.I started out by reading book after book and listening to every podcast I could find about topics I thought would help. From the books and podcasts, it grew into seeking out individuals who could possibly help me take the actions I needed to take.I ended up hiring three different coaches and learned so much from each. They helped teach me what  my body needed to get to my next health and fitness goal. I appreciated their expertise, applied what I learned, and have shared it with my clients.Was it easy for me? No. Definitely not. (I have shared that with many clients as well!) Every step was truly a challenge! It doesn't matter that I'm in the fitness industry. Having those coaches made a massive difference for me! 

What I have achieved so far: 

  • Lowered my body fat to 15%, beating my personal lowest by 5%

  • Increased muscle mass

  • Blood lipid panels massively improved

  • Blood ketone levels massively improved

  • MOST IMPORTANTLY! Avoided surgery to remove those pre-cancerous cells because they aren't there anymore! (See our Facebook or Instagram accounts to learn more about that.)

Here is the take-away...

Stop trying to do life by yourself! You are not alone!! There are so many options out there to help you achieve the life, the body, the future that you want. Take action. Now.Fitness-Tek offers a number of coaching options for every budget and goal. From online to in-person training and coaching, we specialize in helping people create the ground-breaking results that have eluded them to this point. Don't let time, money or current circumstances stop you from taking action! 

You have one life to live.

Yours in health, Kevin


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