The Fitness Assessment Tool that will change your practice and someone Else's life!

A fitness assessment is a fitness assessment, right? 

No......In the fitness industry, that is the equivalent of saying a doctor is a doctor.  Well, the answer is NO! A fitness assessment is not the same thing to everyone. As a matter of fact, fitness assessments are completely different from gym to gym and trainer to trainer.

If you walk into a Crossfit gym....

you may be asked to do a few squats to demonstrate your mobility.  

Walk into an athletic training center.....

and you will likely be asked to perform a number of movements that you will be scored on.

Walk into a physical therapy clinic...

you may be asked to raise an arm or a leg or do an overhead squat as an assessment. They are all valuable tools but they are all lacking one thing.

(Keep reading, there is more)

Now, why do I say that?  Well, because give my experience its true. Most assessments on the market today gather information about how your body performs when gravity is imposing its will by pulling you into the ground. This is great information to know, BUT it is missing a big piece. See, your body is going to collapse to the ground under gravity's pull based on thousands of possibilities. We gather information by seeing how it is going to move as a total sum of many joints, but it is not a very clear picture. It is almost like taking a car for a test drive to diagnose an engine noise when you should put that thing up on the lift and take a look at the motor! This method is simply just guessing! Even if it is OK for your mechanic to take a guess, you don't want your physical therapist or trainer making guesses towards your health!

I say that jokingly and it is something to consider, for the health of it!

There is one thing, a stand-alone tool that can be added to any other assessment to improve that accuracy and efficiency.  That tool is one that professional sports teams, rapidly growing physical therapy clinics and uber-successful chiropractors are using, and professional golfers on tour insist their trainer is versed in.  It is the one that brings big-name NFL superstars back from the brink of career-ending injuries, the one that gave Nana Sue her life back with the ability to hold her grand kids, and the one assessment tool that Fitness-Tek uses daily to give people back things they had lost the ability to do. That tool is Greg Roskopf's Muscle Activation Techniques.

Why drive a car to diagnose an issue when you can put the car on a lift and go to each individual part? 

It is the same with the human body.  Why not put the body on a table and assess each joints movement? By doing so. Muscle Activation Techniques give you the ability to assess individual joints for very specific limits. It gives you the tools to address those limits and create strength, stability and more mobility.

Would you like to experience Greg Roskopf's Muscles Activation Techniques first hand? Let us know!  We would love to talk more about what this tool can bring to your practice and or your own health!


Cervical Dystonia and Greg Roskopf's Muscle Activation Techniques


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