Weight Loss Results Came Quickly for this Fitness-Tek Client

"To those interested in changing their life, I’d like to say a few words and explain what a difference exercising with a trainer has made in my life and in particular, working with Kevin Votta. I’ve always known what a difference exercising can make; in fact I’ve tried it on my own for years but without any noticeable results. I reluctantly went to Fitness Tek where I met Kevin. I liked the fact of working in a private studio instead of being on display in a health club. Kevin worked out a program to fit my individual needs and limitations. Needless to say, the results have been incredible. I can hardly believe what I am now capable of doing, all within a few short months.

On a recent check-up with my doctor since I started working out, my doctor was more than pleased with the results of my blood work. My cholesterol numbers were cut in half and my triglycerides are nearing normal….and need I tell you how much energy I now have and how great I feel! I can’t explain Muscle Activation Techniques but I do know that Kevin is a certified specialist and I do know that IT WORKS. I have gone to the studio with soreness in my back or legs causing difficulty with walking and Kevin is able to work on a particular muscle(s) and I’m up walking like new. Kevin is an extremely knowledgeable and professional trainer who is indeed a pleasure to work with."

-Larry Manning Retired Executive


Brooke - Banker Turned Fitness Instructor


Top 4 benefits of Muscle Activation Techniques on Weight Loss