“Where do I start with exercises?”, is hands down the number one question I get from potential clients. My answer to this question, 95% of the time, is simple and straightforward. You should start by learning how to contract each of your muscles! Enter Isometrics on the ISOPHIT!
Too often people when people want to get started with a workout program they immerse themselves in social media. Most if not all pick a program that has a super fit human leading the program using their sex appeal over their brains to sell their workout program. Don’t get me wrong most of these programs will work to a degree, it just comes down to what the cost is. Not the financial cost, but the cost of the decreased longevity of your joints!
This is why the majority of our clients start their training program with us using the Isophit. This gives clients that are new to exercise the ability to learn how to properly connect with each of their muscles. Most of our clients that have exercised before starting with us are also pleased after their initial 6 sessions on the Isophit. Most say it gave them an even better ability to connect and generate force with their muscles, leading to even more significant gains!
When it comes to strength a large part of what makes someone good at working out, meaning they get results, and someone that does not get results is their ability to contract their muscles intentionally. How hard can you squeeze your muscle while doing an exercise?
Here is a great article that displays the effects of isometrics on an athletic population. Click here: Benefits of Isometric Study
The one and only ISOPHIT in Tampa, FL is here at Fitness-Tek!
Isometric Programs Offered at Fitness-Tek
Here at Fitness-Tek, we incorporate the Isophit into all programs where the desired outcome is to increase strength and flexibility. We do this to elicit a power response at whatever level our clients are currently working at. Given the ease of application and fast learning curve Fitness-Tek now also offers self-lead membership programs for the Isophit. You simply work with a trainer for your first session or until you are comfortable doing it on your own. Then we deliver the program to your inbox and update monthly based on your goals! You get to come in whenever you want to be based on the availability of the Isophit. Most programs are up to 30 min at a time and up to every day.
Who is a good fit for the Isophit membership?
Anyone looking to take their health to the next level!!!!