The dark truth behind the fitness industry........
Could there be one fitness assessment tool that rivals them all?
The assessment tool of the pros!
To date, this is the one tool I am aware of that gives the Trainer, Therapist, Chiropractor or whomever the individual is performing the MAT assessment, a way to assess and address muscular weakness. Whether it be a way to gather information pre and post-intervention, a bone adjustment, application of heat or ice, and even traditional weight training, MAT gives the practitioner a way to gain feedback about what effect their treatment is having on the body beyond how the client feels.
Now, I am certified in MAT and have been for 10 plus years on various levels, so I am completely aware of my bias towards this tool regardless of how much I try to separate myself from it. That bias is there and will be until my travels and experience expose me to another tool that I feel rivals this one. I say this because if I was reading this blog I would have stopped reading by now, likely when I said other assessment tools are lacking one thing...
So why am I writing this blog?
To be honest, it is because I want to expose, hmmm, too strong... let's say "shine a light" on the fitness industries, and more importantly the individuals that make up this industry. There is an unbelievable drive in the fitness world to look good and have all the answers. In doing so we as practitioners, even myself from time to time, overlook or miss the ONE reason the industry even exists... to make a difference for the people who trust us with the one vessel they get to spend the rest of their life in, their BODY~!
That is it! If you are reading this and you are someone that provides health and fitness services, ask yourself why you are doing it. If you are on the receiving side, ask your practitioner why they are doing it. If the answer isn't in bold lettering above than it is not the right reason.
Please join us on FB live Thursday, May 10th at 12:30 where we dive further into this topic and answer any questions you may have. If you miss us on FB check the Fitness-Tek YouTube Channel!
Yours always in health
Kevin Votta