5 Reasons why Fitness-Tek's Group Fitness Classes are the answer for the over 70 crowd!
Senior Fitness - The age demographic where fitness is essential to longevity.
This demographic has been nearly completely neglected by the fitness and health industry. Now, I say neglected because while some organizations have given a little thought and effort in implementing group classes into their offerings, the classes offered often fall short on what is needed to make a lasting impact on the individual.
One of the problems with the traditional approach to senior fitness....
Safe and Effective Senior Fitness
is the complete lack of customization in a demographic that needs it the most. As the body ages and our compensation patterns become more ingrained, our skeletal system literally begins to change to meet the different demand on the body. This starts happening the minute we are birthed and progresses at various paces as we go through life. Because of this, one must take into consideration these changes. Group fitness can be a massively effective tool if the above is understood and taken into consideration.
Here is why Fitness-Tek's group fitness may be a great option for you if you find yourself in this age bracket.
1) Your class is overseen by Kevin Votta, a master level Muscle Activation and range of motion Specialist. Kevin has been working with the senior population for the better part of 10 years and has an in depth knowledge of how the body moves. Kevin fully understands that the body changes over time and that these changes need to be taken into consideration rather then overlooked, in order to progress your body towards a stronger you.
2) Fitness-Tek uses 100% Isometric exercises! This lack of actual joint motion greatly if not entirely eliminates inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissue. With less inflammation, you can workout more often multiplying your efforts in a much smaller window of time. Get stronger faster and safer than you ever have.
3) Fitness-Tek uses a number of different pieces of exercise equipment to lock you into a position that is suited for your structure and muscular control. We never push you into a position based off some prescribed program. We meet your body where your body is, not the opposite.
4) Kevin has an extensive understanding of anatomy. In order to achieve the level of certification he has obtained, one must demonstrate a proficient and advanced understanding of how the human body moves. With this knowledge, Kevin can guide you safely through your workout making sure we are creating a positive change in your body not just creating more weakness.
5) Fitness-Tek is the only training studios in Citrus Park, FL that uses Muscle Activation Techniques. We use this tool as a way to activate muscles and ranges of motion that have been lost due to injuries and misuse over the years. Once we have reactivated these muscles, we use MAT principles to check your progress and make sure we are creating a body that is stronger, more stable and balanced.
Thank you for taking the time to read over these 5 reasons why Fitness-Tek's group fitness classes maybe a good fit for the over 70's age bracket. I have enjoyed sharing this information with you and look forward to future conversations. If you have questions please join me on our Facebook life chat about this blog coming up on May 17th at 12:30 est.
Please feel free to come in and test one of our classes out for a week, for FREE. I am convinced that after just a week you will have fallen in love with our approach and will want to continue. And at the very least you will walk away having learned how to exercise safe and more efficiently!
Make it a great Day!
Yours in Health and Wellness
Kevin Votta