Vast knowledge about physical wellbeing doesn't mean anything or produce results unless you care and are able to apply that knowledge to individual situations.

Fitness Specialist

A good fitness specialist or personal trainer can uses their expert knowledge and experience to personalize a fitness strategy just for you. A GREAT specialist actually cares about your fitness journey and the end results.

Results of everything, from achieving your peak performance, improving flexibility, and managing pain, can be elevated by working with an expert that cares.

“I trust that anybody I send to Kevin is going to get all of his attention, all of his knowledge and really really heartfelt care for making sure they get to the best level of wellness they can.”

-Dr Danielle Hoeffner

  • The best thing I could describe about Fitness-Tek is absolutely professional and knowledgeable.

    I trust that anybody I send to Kevin is going to get all of his attention, all of his knowledge and really really heartfelt care for making sure they get to the best level of wellness they can.

    I've referred several patients and clients to Kevin. I've even had a couple [patients] that came to me – one with severe left shoulder issues, another was a left hip s.i issue that he had been dealing with since a basketball injury when he was a kid. They had reached all of their options in other conservative manners. And so Kevin at Fitness-Tek was their next best option.

    He saw them a handful of times they'd refer back to me and just say how much they loved his services and really helped them get to feeling 100 percent.


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