Yoga Can Be Fun Again

Pain, you don't have to live with it.

Physical pain can keep even the most dedicated of us from enjoying our favorite activities and exercises, such as yoga. But we don't have to just endure the pain, there are proven ways of relieving and managing many pains without medications or expensive and painful surgery.

Improving your yoga experience and flexibility

Yoga is a great way to stay fit, flexible, manage stress, and keep yourself active. However, it's not always a solution for injuries or recurring pain. Muscle Activation Techniques may be able to help manage your pain and make your yoga experience fun again.

  • I started referring my clients to Kevin Votta when I saw what he was capable of doing and capable of helping – in ways that clients were not able to get that kind of service anywhere else.

    And people come to yoga as a form of inexpensive physical therapy and when they can't do yoga as that form of inexpensive physical therapy, I love being able to refer to somebody like a Kevin to help them get better.

    How he's helped my clients is – things they weren't able to do before and they can do now with their bodies. Pain that they had and nobody else could seem to fix it...he gets down to the root cause, helps them and then voilá they're back in yoga.

    So I love to refer him to my clients because I want them coming back on a yoga mat. They want to be able to do that.

    Just like if your biking and you're a biker, and now you've done something to your hip flexors. Well you don't want to give up biking but if I can help refer that client to Kevin and he can get them back on the the bike, it's a win-win for everybody.


Life Changes Happen Here


Fasting for the Health of it!